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AICPA Presents Distinguished Service Award and Arthur J. Dixon Awards During Fall Tax Division Events

The Tax Division Distinguished Service Award recognizes outstanding current contribution to the AICPA Tax Division. Recipients have made a substantial contribution to the Tax Division’s work product through notable, extraordinary personal effort, and ...

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The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) honored two individuals during its 2019 Fall Tax Division Meeting with the Tax Division Distinguished Service Award and the Arthur J. Dixon Memorial Award, respectively. The awards presentations took place Thursday and Friday, November 14th and 15th in Washington, D.C.

On Thursday, the AICPA honored Blake Vickers, CPA, CGMA with the Distinguished Service Award during a reception for Tax Division members. Vickers works at Corning Incorporated where he focuses on tax policy and governmental/regulatory affairs. He currently serves both on the AICPA’s Tax Executive Committee and as chair of the Global Tax Issues Task Force. He has been a primary author of AICPA white papers on the OECD taxation of the digital economy and European Union digital tax proposals.

“Blake’s impressive and diverse background in international taxation and his significant contribution to our communications with the OECD have become a valuable resource to the AICPA. It is his exemplary work that gives the AICPA voice in the digital tax process. There is no more deserving individual to receive this award,” said AICPA Vice President of Taxation Edward Karl, CPA, CGMA.

The Tax Division Distinguished Service Award recognizes outstanding current contribution to the AICPA Tax Division. Recipients have made a substantial contribution to the Tax Division’s work product through notable, extraordinary personal effort, and are nominated by members of the AICPA Tax Executive Committee.

Friday’s Fall Tax Division luncheon included a presentation of the Arthur J. Dixon Memorial Award to Jane T. Rubin, CPA who has nearly 25 years of service to the profession. Rubin has served on numerous AICPA committees and task forces and has selflessly given her time advancing tax education through her volunteerism. Rubin currently serves on the AICPA National Accreditation Commission, highlighting her passion for tax education.

“Jane truly exemplifies what it means to have ‘a heart of a volunteer.’ She continuously invests her time in something she passionately believes in – advancing the education of the tax profession. Her commitment to the profession and her dedication to tax education are an inspiration. We are pleased to honor her with this well-deserved award,” said Jeffrey Porter, member of AICPA’s Board of Directors. Porter is a CPA and a past Arthur J. Dixon Award recipient.

The Arthur J. Dixon Memorial Award is the highest award given by the accounting profession in the area of taxes. It is given to the CPA who demonstrates true professionalism in the spirit of Arthur Dixon. Dixon was a recognized leader in the profession, serving on various state society and AICPA committees, with a long record of service to the Tax Division, culminating in his chairmanship of the Tax Executive Committee from 1977-1980. Following his passing in 1981, the Tax Executive Committee established the Arthur J. Dixon Memorial Award in his honor.